You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

That epiphany moment when you remove the blinders and realise!

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Wednesday Nov 11, 2020

Welcome Katherine Jayne, a Transformation Coach, who helps people struggling with their relationship with food and their bodies, by showing them how to reconnect with their core selves and their needs & emotions so they can live a rich, full and healthy life.
This discussion with Katherine provides deep insights into why we can go down the path of disordered eating and gives suggestions to how we can help ourself (if it's us that is experiencing this) or help someone we know (if it's your child, friend or relative). 
It's a complex area, but the more knowledge, awareness and success stories, like Katherine's, the greater the opportunity to turn around someone's life and/or prevent this experience. 
The themes we cover include: 
Disordered Eating & body dissatisfaction
Our environment - Body shaming and portraying the perfect body
Using food to provide comfort through emotional trauma
10 years of extreme dieting which developed into Bulimia
There is a lot of shame and secrecy
The belief was that I needed to be a certain size to have value and to be loved
Looking back I wish I had spoken out and asked for help sooner
Signs for parents to look out for
Developing emotional intimacy in the parent-child relationship
The increase in body dissatisfaction
Focusing on what the body does for us & our inner attributes vs the physical attributes
Hayley Lunchem - The body confidence coach
Not judging food - moving away from good and bad
Doing exercise that lights you up
Creating boundaries around people you spend your time & energy with
Look to people who have come out of a challenging relationship with their bodies
We can empower ourselves to change
Finding the magic and love within yourself
The Butterfly Foundation 

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020

We talk with Tony Meredith, Sales Leadership & Mindset Coach.
You will definitely see yourself in the 10 years ago Tony and the Tony we speak with today. Absolutely love Tony's openness about what his life was and what has it become. The joy in his realisation of what's important and to make changes in his life to reflect this, is super inspirational. 
The following themes give you a flavour of the podcast: 
Unfulfilled in what I once thought was my dream life
Beginning with the end in mind
From gut wrenching to epiphany - how not getting a role changed everything
We don't bring the mask down as blokes
12 Week weight transformation challenge - Stick with it + Trust the process + Follow the blueprint
Look for areas in your life where you have had success and apply that to other areas
When you find your ikigai (your purpose) - then your life is incredibly light
January 1st Syndrome - Setting goals because society says we have to have goals
I realised that the things I thought were important were not important
I never spent a lot of time thinking about what I wanted
From a high paying job to selling everything down and renting
A 3 day thought mastery retreat in the mountains
I was always seeking approval - I wanted people to like me
Taking alcohol & meat out of my life
The universe prepares you for the next thing
Overcoming the challenges small business owners face
Building a better you
Fear shows up in procrastination
Tap into your heart
Connect with Tony 

Can we really change?

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020

Liz Tully is proof that we can definitely change. In the last 8 years, Liz has completely changed her life around. From  '8 bottles of wine week' to completely sober, business owner, and helping others change their life around.
Her specialities are in the field of Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Personal Development Coaching. She is a big advocate of Hypnotherapy as a fast an effective tool to changing patterns and behaviours that do not serve you. The key topics we discuss in this podcast: 
Hypnotherapy for anxiety - Reprogramming unhelpful behaviours & thought patterns
Most of our lives are run on subconscious patterns 
We are married to our beliefs
"I never believed I could give up drinking" 
My model of the world was - drinking was normal and that I couldn't socialise without it 
I was drinking 8 bottles of wine a week 
The book "Kick the drink easily" by Jason Vale, changed everything for me
People don't cope when you give up alcohol 
I've never once missed drinking 
The first Sales Conference when I didn't drink was a revelation 
My stopping drinking triggered transformation in all aspects of my life 
My (20 year) fear of sharks I no longer have 
I was an anxious person 
"Anxiety is something that you do, not something that you have" 
We learn how to do anxiety very early in life 
I see a lot of confident anxious people - seeking freedom, relief and a sense of calm 
From 2012 to 2020 - I couldn't imagine, not in a million years, the change in me 
Finding my purpose 
The first step to change is awareness

More Heart = Less Fear

Friday Jun 05, 2020

Friday Jun 05, 2020

This podcast is super special for me. I speak with my first coach - Babette Bensoussan. Babette introduced me to expanding my awareness in ways I had never previously considered. The quote that lived on her office wall, "A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions", is testament to the person she is and the space she creates. 
Babette Bensoussan, founder of The Mindshift Group, has advised organisations and business leaders for 25 years in the field of Business Strategy and Competitive Intelligence. Babette is a published author, well-regarded speaker and a recognised global authority in this area of business. On top of this Babette is a qualified counsellor, coach, MBTI practitioner and the only practising Australian executive coach certified to use the Energy Leadership Index (ELI) - a revolutionary leadership development tool used to measure, harness and enhance professionalism leadership qualities. 
In this podcast we talk to Babette about coaching - the industry, being coached, and her own personal development/growth experience. Specifically we cover: 
Blindspots and assumptions 
The difference between a Coach, Mentor, Therapist and your family & friends
Coaches get coached - Babette has two coaches 
Corporate Coaching, trending 
If you want to become a coach - Find your niche & become an expert 
The Energy Leadership Tool - Based on the 7 principles of thinking 
What to look for if you want a coach 
Why coaches avoid asking 'Why' questions? 
Heart versus Logic 
Why you would consider working with a coach?
The type of people who don't get coached 
Self acceptance 
"I didn't want to keep living my life based in fear." 
Our thinking gets in the way of us achieving our goals 
Coaching engages your heart. 
Connect with Babette

Unconditional Happiness

Tuesday Jun 02, 2020

Tuesday Jun 02, 2020

In this episode Celeste speaks with Anilji - part time engineer, part time spiritual teacher, part time family person.
This is not your average Q&A. We are talking the world in 100 million years and the billions of years before today - at the same time attempting to find the practical learnings that we can implement today. Expect a mini-brain explosion.  As you can imagine not an easy conversation to keep contained. But we did our best. Our main intention of this podcast was to discuss unconditional happiness and give perspective on why this is the the ultimate desire. 
The more you connect with nature, the more you will know 
You cannot avoid the experience of knowing - which is the changeless attribute in human beings 
What is unconditional/absolute happiness? 
Happiness is always the motivation 
Becoming an authority on unconditional happiness? 
"Awareness is everywhere. It is at all times. It is here. It is now"
Evolution: The Atlantean period, the Lemurian period, the Black Age and the Golden Age where we are heading. 
Corona Virus and Spiritual hierarchies
Religions will disappear 
Why is a Spiritual life important?
Life After Death - The cycle of rebirth 
How operating at your higher nature can help you manage your habits
What to look for if you are searching for a spiritual guru
Humility and simplicity 
The importance of self reflection 
100 million years from now 
To hear more from Anil Sharma you can visit his YouTube Channel: Absolute Happiness - Inner Awakening

Thursday May 07, 2020

Jem Fuller, Speaker, Coach and Consultant, focusing in the area of Leadership and Culture Creation. Once was an extrinsic experience junkie. Now has practices that are aligned with the question of 'how do I experience more happiness in life'. A solid hour that you can sit back and enjoy the developed mind of Jem, in relation to his personal experiences and how he sees and lives life. The topics we cover: 
Sticking as something for long enough 
The leadership coach that below me away 
Macro behavioural patterns 
The fear of 'What if I am not enough' 
Mid life awakening
Fears become beliefs 
How we all experience life 
Your relationship with yourself 
The imposter syndrome 
Conscious Leadership 
Am I the driver of my own bus or and I the passenger?
The stuff leaders struggle with the most is the people side 
The more resolved - The more Clearer - The more present 
Mindfulness and money 
Quality of life is a direct correlation to the quality of your relationships 
Being friendly to strangers 
The world post Covid
Embracing death as a part of life 
The impact the right coach can have in our life 
Relationship retreats
Starting your personal development journey

Playing to your strengths

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020

Murray Guest from 'Inspire My Business' - A coach and facilitator working with small, medium and large businesses in Australia on the areas on leadership, team, culture, performance improvement. Previous to coaching, Murray was working in large companies in leadership roles for 15 years. He has worked with over 2,000 people unlock their strengths - and believes and sees this as fundamental, if you want to live 'A thank God it's Monday' life. The key topics we cover:
The impact of knowing your strengths on your life - both work and personal
Starting a coaching business 
The stigma around "coaching"
Why someone would get a coach 
"Trust" in the coaching relationship
The strengths of a good leader
Breaking the "Leader Hero" cycle
Mindset & Manifestation 
The shifts Murray has experience during Covid - "Don't let a crisis go to waste"
2020 Word - Everyday
Weaknesses are also our strengths that we overplay 
Do less and be more effective
'Lego Serious Play' Certification 
What you would tell your 25 year old self 
Connect with Murray Guest - Inspire My Business 

Confidence and Conditioning

Tuesday Sep 10, 2019

Tuesday Sep 10, 2019

Welcome Jessica Goh, from Life in Confidence. We talk to Jessica about her journey into confidence coaching. A big part of what we discuss is around conditioning (the first 8 years of your life) and how it impacts our lives, but also, how awareness of our conditioning can help us show up, confidently, as the person, we truly are. Key themes we cover in this podcast: 
What is confidence
The journey of self discovery
The ego versus the real you 
Your conditioning = first 8 years of your life 
You create your reality - Acknowledgement, Grief and ceasing to blame others.
The three layers of confidence 
Confidence coaching 
Trusting your internal guidance 
Why we stay in a place that doesn't feel good
We come into this life to experience what the soul deeply desires 
Coaches/mentors show us our blind spots 
"I had the expectation that every man would treat me the way my father treated my mother and I". 
Letting go of resentment
The power of showing up as yourself... without the protection mask.
Character analysis: Are you a Steve Jobs, Marilyn Monroe, Oprah, Miranda Kerr, Donald Trump? 
Voice dialogue: The seeker, the creator, the observer 
Using constellations to explore your energy within a group dynamic.
Self enquiry
Be your greatest potential workshop

Tuesday Sep 10, 2019

Lisa Gumieniuk a Coach, Energy Healer, EFT Practitioner.... shares with us her journey of chronic illness, from coming off a year of massive highs to a complete crash... and how she has turned this around to help herself and now help others. Areas we cover: 
Living with a chronic illness 
Not being defined by a chronic illness
The feeling of "Something is missing. There has to be more to life." 
 Type A 'high performer' personality 
"I've learnt that you can turn things around". 
Self Awareness is key. "I actually didn't know who I was". 
Concepts - holding on and letting go.
"I tried to control every aspect of my life.... getting sick changed this". 
Tips of how to 'let go'. 
What is muscle testing. 
What it feels like to be in the flow.
Before my illness - No trust, no universal connection, ignoring the spiritual, emotional and mental and only focusing on the physical. 
The biggest shift in my recovery.
Finding my soul's purpose. 
Advice to someone who has been diagnosed with a chronic illness. 
The importance of self care. 

Tuesday Sep 10, 2019

Welcome Munzurul Khan, Principal at Keshab Chartered Accounting and long time property investor. A personality, beliefs and values that extend beyond his day-to-day world of numbers and dollars. What we cover: 
The logical mind of an accountant 
Does money make you happier? 
The fine things in life and the finer things in life.
"We came to Australia with $2,000". 
Ambition versus greed. 
Knowing that nothing is forever. 
Being clear on your vision and goals. 
"Don't under estimate your sixth sense".
"Initially I didn't want do invest in property".
Following your passion. 
Getting the most from your relationship with your accountant.
My 2025 dream 
Parenting - Raising good human beings.
"Can, doesn't mean you should".
Two travel experiences that changed me
Taking responsibility - of your dreams and goals. 


How this began.... Way back before podcasts were even a thing I was asking questions. At one of my first jobs someone told me that I should be a reporter because I asked so many questions.

One of my favourite things to do is be exposed to a completely new culture, a new way of living, of thinking. 

I would describe myself as a collector of stories. This is what fuels and excites me. There is no coincidence that my work is in marketing communications - working with business and brands to extract, share and nurture their real story.

I believe a good story is the means to creating a lasting and meaningful connection.

Paul Callaghan, The Dreaming Path, beautifully explains this:

"Everything and everyone has a story. The more stories we share, the more we learn. The more we learn, the more we grow, the closer we are to achieving wellbeing - individually and universally.

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